Geopathic Reverser

Sometimes homes or offices are built over negative energy places in the ground, or rooms, or parts of rooms may be located over a pathological zone. These problem areas can occur for a wide number of reasons, but the general consensus of opinion suggests that these are natural radiations from deep inside the earth that have become distorted and turned negative as they pass underground streams, Ley lines, Mineral deposits or geological features within the earth's crust.
There may also be particularly powerful points scattered about one’s home as a result of intersections between the Hartman Net and Curry Grid, or either of those with underground streams, or with domestic utilities, which may cause a wide range of physical and psychological illnesses, and at the very least bring a very unpleasant atmosphere into the home.
If you suspect that all is not well or require help in the placement of your Geopathic Reverser, we recommend that you call in the assistance of a Feng Shui practitioner, or a Dowser, to map out the energy situation in your home. Your Geopathic Reverser is specially designed to deal with these problems, by generating a circular energy field, with the capacity of transmuting all negative energies into positive ones, within the 20-foot treatment circle (40 ft diameter) of the instrument. This is adequate for most houses and flats. For larger buildings, several may have to be used.
Note: This device acts to convert negative earth energy into positive energy, in the absence of negative energy, the device remains inoperative.
To use, simply place the instrument as near as possible to the centre of the building on the ground floor or basement, or within the area of any known Geopathic disturbances.
The case of the instrument contains specially prepared mineral crystals which interact with the negative energies coming up from the ground, thereby making them positive and beneficial. No batteries are required, and the instrument will never run down so long as the case is not opened, and crystals removed.
Recommended reading: Earth Radiation by Kathe Bachler
Dimensions: approximately 5”x3”x2” black